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Linux engineer, devops enthusiast and sys-admin/developer hybrid

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Not long time ago i needed to change a certificate that expired on a tomcat webserver that used a 2-way-ssl connection type to communicate to another server. I received the new certificate from my privider in a .pem form but i needed to add it to my java keystore. The problem was that I would only add the certificate and the chain (but no private key) to my keystore. By doing so I have created a truststore so my webserver did not serve a propper certificare. After some digging, I found a way to make my truststore a keystore.

ssl certificate

I will describe below the steps to create a valid java keystore.

1. Split your .pem file so you have a different file for the certificate, PK, Root certificate and intermidiate certificates

In my case this resulted in 5 files:

-leaf.pem -> leaf certificate
-leaf.key -> Private key of my server certificare 
-root.pem -> Root entry in the certificate chain
-inter1.pem -> First intermidiate certificate in the chain
-inter2.pem -> Second intermidiate certificate in the chain

You might not have the root and intermidiate certificates, as they might be specified in a separate trustore. If thats the case please skip steps 2/3/4

2. Import Root and intermidiate certificates to your keystore:

You will be asked for a passkey to protect your new keystore. Please enter twice your desired key.Also confirm you want to add the cert to your keystore by typing “yes” and ENTER:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file root.pem -keystore keystore.jks

    Enter keystore password:  
    Re-enter new password:
    Trust this certificate? [no]:

Follow the same steps for adding the intermidiate certificates(if needed):

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias intermidiate1 -file inter1.pem -keystore keystore.jks
    -Enter keystore password:  
    -Trust this certificate? [no]:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias intermidiate2 -file inter2.pem -keystore keystore.jks
    -Enter keystore password:
    -Trust this certificate? [no]:

3. Create a .p12 keystore containing your leaf certificate and private key

You will need to specify your PK password. this is usually provided by your certificate provider and might not be set. Also you will need to enter and confirm your .p12 keystore password.

openssl pkcs12 -export -name <server alias name> -in leaf.pem -inkey leaf.key -out keystore.p12

    -Enter pass phrase for leaf.key:
    -Enter Export Password:
    -Verifying - Enter Export Password:

Replace with the name that your certificate will be used inside your keystore. Usualy the name of the certificate is set to be the domain name of your server. To verify that your .p12 keystore contains your certificate and PK run the below commands. You will be prompted for your keystore and privatekey passwords.

openssl pkcs12 -info -in keystore.p12

    -Enter Import Password:
    -Enter PEM pass phrase:
    -Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:

4. Import your .p12 content to your .jks keystore

You will be propted for the .p12 and .jks passwords.

keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore keystore.jks -srckeystore keystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias <server alias name>
    -Enter destination keystore password:  
    -Enter source keystore password:  
NOTE: You can add many certificates + private keys (PrivateKeyEntries) into a jks 
keystore, but it might not work when reading them.

5. Verify the content of yout jks keystore

keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks

In case of everything worked well you should see 4 entries in your truststore. 3 of the woud be of trustedCertEntry type and one will be PrivateKeyEntry.

Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Entry type: trustedCertEntry
Entry type: trustedCertEntry
Entry type: trustedCertEntry